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Conservative dentristy

Making fillings using photopolimerisation technology. Inlays, onlays made from porcelain and precious metal. Root canal treatment and root filling.

Prosthetic dentistry

Ceramic crowns and bridge structures for metal and precious metal alloys. Making the above mentioned replacements from zirconium (ZrO) frame, suggested in case of any kinds of metal allergy. Removable protheseses in case of replacing partial and complete tooth loss. Replacement of partial and end-of-row tooth loss with the help of so called combined replacements, using Ceka, Preci, Bredent fixatives. Making crown by replacement adhered to the root canal.

Aetsthetic dentistry

Tooth whitening

Dental surgery

Tooth extractions. Elimination of the root top (resection). Surgical elimination of the roots. Dental implantology with Denti implants (Hager & Meisinger Gmbh, Germany). Bone replacements related to implantology. Augmentation of the base of the mucus membrane in the maxillary sinus.

X-ray diagnostics

Digital dental x-ray. Panorama (OPT) radiographs.

Oral hygiene

Plaque removal with ultrasonic equipment. Oral hygiene treatment and counselling.